Member Conduct Code

Fusion Fortress | Community rules

We aim for all members of the Fusion Fortress community to engage in conversations and activities, with their friends in an welcoming atmosphere and we rely on your assistance to achieve this goal.

The rules, for engaging with members in the Fusion Fortress community apply to all players of their games and services. Cover various situations, beyond those mentioned here.

Adhering to the guidelines is straightforward; however if they are disregarded consequences such, as a ban may be enforced.

Community Rules:
  • Please refrain from sharing information of others with the exception of display names as it's, against our policy and we encourage you to keep your personal information confidential for your own safety and privacy.
  • The Fusion Fortress organization strongly opposes all types of intolerance and discrimination advocating for respect and equality, for all individuals, within its community.
  • Please be kind and considerate towards others while engaging in play and communication to avoid any instances of bullying or offensive behavior.
  • Do not imitate others. Whether they are players or streamers or famous personalities or staff, at Fusion Fortress or anyone else.
  • Play by the rules. Be fair when gaming – avoid cheating or trolling, by playing or exploiting game glitches to gain an advantage, over others.
  • Avoid participating in activities that're unlawful or risky, in nature.
  • The content shared on Fusion Fortress should aim to offer users experiences, through all forms of communication and activities conducted on the platform.
  • Each rule violation is carefully assessed on a case, by case basis to determine its consequences.
  • If you come across a player who is violating the Community Rules or Content Guidelines while in game and wish to report them.
  • Safety: Protect your personal information.

  • This is not the final version of the Fusion Fortress Community Rules. Keep an eye on changes. After all, we gathered together to have fun playing games!